Important Information

We collect some personal information when you use our website, and because we take your privacy seriously, we provide the following Privacy Policy, which describes what information we collect and how it is used. We may modify this policy from time to time. You are advised to consult this policy regularly to stay informed of any changes.

Your continued access to and use of our website indicates that you have read and fully understand the terms laid out in this policy and that you agree to and accept these terms. If you do not, please discontinue accessing or using our website.

This website is not intended for those under the age of majority, and we do not knowingly collect information from such persons.

We process your personal data in as secure a manner as possible and protect it against unauthorized processing, loss, or damage.

This policy applies to information we gather on this website (both desktop and mobile versions) or through our applications and to information we gather from emails or messages sent to this website's administrators.

There are links on our website that lead to third party sites or services. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these sites and services when you follow those links, as our privacy policy does not apply to them.

Any questions you may have concerning this policy may be sent to us via our contact form.

Personal information we collect

We may collect different types of data from you when you visit our website depending on whether you choose to become a member or remain an unregistered visitor to the website as follows:

A. Members - Upon registration to become a member of the website, you provide us with your username, email address and password. You may also provide us with other information in your direct communications with us. When you use the website, we also gather some technical information, which is described under 'Browsers' below.

B. Browsers - Information gathered from users of the website includes technical data such as IP address, referral URL, browser type and version, time zone, location and other such metrics, along with information on how you use our website.

How we collect information

Your information is collected by means of the following:

Passive Collection - We use cookies to collect information about you so that we can improve your experience on our website. This information includes, but is not limited to, your IP address, geographic location and other session data.

Active Collection - You may provide us with your personal information directly by creating a user account on our site, by posting materials such as comments, or by requesting support, reporting issues or otherwise corresponding with us.

How we use personal information

The following are the main purposes for our collection and use of your data:

- To present the website and to enable you to interact with its features

- To serve content and advertising that is relevant to your interests

- For research and analysis purposes to maintain and improve the website

- For the purposes of diagnosing and resolving technical problems that negatively impact the website's operation

- To comply with with applicable law and cooperate with law enforcement.

- To ensure compliance with our terms, to comply with applicable law, and to cooperate with law enforcement and government agencies

Disclosure of your personal information

We may disclose your personal data to the parties and in the circumstances described below:

- Individuals and companies that provide services to ensure the operation of the website, and strictly for the provision of their services

- A buyer or successor who comes into possession of all or any substantial portion of our business assets as a result of a merger, acquisition, sale, or transfer of such for any reason, including bankruptcy, liquidation, or any similar proceeding

- Government agencies, law enforcement and any such authorities for compliance with applicable law and for the protection of the rights, property or safety of our company, our users and others

Your legal rights

You have rights regarding information about you that we collect, use, or disclose, and you may contact us to exercise them. These rights include the right to access, update, correct, restrict, erase, request a copy or transfer of, or withdraw consent for the use of your personal information.

Transfer of Information

We may transfer, store, or process your personal information to and in countries other than your own, and those countries may have less comprehensive privacy laws and may be outside of the European Economic Area. Your use of our website indicates your consent to this transfer, storage, and processing.
